Anissa Sukkar is a facilitator, ceremonial artist, and Camp lover.
Join me on The Sparkle Path
I’m a spiritual worker, heart centered healer, expansive and ceremonial artist, conflict mediator, RYT-200 yoga teacher, ritualist, and educator. I specialize in healing the roots of chronic emotional and physical imbalance, ancestral lines, childhood trauma, anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation, and (C)PTSD.
In this life, I'm from Puerto Rican and Lebanese decent, first generation on Turtle Island. I'm two spirit and third gender in reverence for my Taino ancestors.
I grew up in Wakefield, MA and spent a decade in Los Angeles, CA. I’m currently building home in Chapel Hill, NC and spend significant time in Trujillo Alto, PR.
For more about my art practices: ceremonial arts, oil pastels, collaborative painting projects, and indigenous construction techniques check out my Portfolio here.
I bring a mixed cosmology and multifaceted, interdisciplinary approach to all my work. Of note are:
I’ve served as a Gatekeeper for the Earthlodge Center for Transformation for over 8 years.
I’m a certified Mother level practitioner of Heaven on Earth Reiki.
I’m RYT-200 Yoga Teacher Certified through the Holistic Yoga School in Fort Collins, CO.
In the Dagara Cosmology, through Ancestral Events from my teachers Theresa Sykes Brittany and the late Malidoma Patrice Somé, I’m initiated into the Elements of Water, Fire, and Earth. I’ve elevated my ancestors. And I’ve been initiated into communication with the Kontomblé (nature spirits of love, sweetness, and joy) and Wedamé (nature spirits of the wild ones, the animal world).
I’m so excited to connect with organizations and soul aligned clients who would best benefit from my expertise, training, and lived experience. To learn more about my path, life, and services in real time, follow me on Instagram or TikTok.
A note about my name. I’ve held many names in my lifetime and am happily returning to my name given to me at birth: Anissa Sukkar. Anissa was my great grandmother’s name and it means loyal friend and companion. Sukkar is arabic for sugar. Much gratitude to my ancestors and mentors for helping me find my way back to my name.